zaterdag 12 juni 2010

stolen bb and stuff

Hello you guys! I haven't been blogging for a while. I don't know why that is. But anyway, quite some things have happend. Somebody stole my BB, like a month ago or something, but I still miss it. I don't understand that, thought I'd get used to it... But I didn't.
I went to the city with a friend of mine, Mara. And we were in a store, suddenly my bag was open, I looked in it and then realised my phone was gone... At first I couldn't believe it. I had to get out all of my stuff first to see it was true. I had walked around in the city first, calling. So they must have seen that, and then maybe followed me or something. I can vaguely remember when me and my friend were in a store, I was trying to find my size at a pair of shorts, and two women stood behind me really close. I remember thinking 'Oh just wait a fiew seconds, I'm not going to leave any faster because you're pushing it!', but at that moment I really just didn't assume they were going to steal my phone. Well maybe they werent stealing it, ofcourse I can't just go around blaming them... I do think they had a lot of clothing hanging on their arms, perhaps so people couldn't see what they were doing.
Anyway, done with that. I feel like doing something! Saturdaynight again. But there is no one to do something with. I could study, 'cause I have a test week this week. And after that, the moment we have all been waiting for: Summer Holidays! There hasn't been any year so far that I have been longing for the summer holidays so much! And they're almost there now. Hooooow I can't believe it. No that's not true I can. because I think about it so much. The weather doesn't really seem to understand what time of the year it is though, it's grey and cloudy almost every day. Hellooooo we're in June! Well today the weather was good though, but I didn't go outside, because I was trying to study. I didn't do all that much, but I do think it was the first time in my life I didn't just study one day before the test. But two days ;p! Anyway it is an acomplishement. If that's how you write it, I don't care, again. No I do as the matter of facts. Imagine that maybe I'll get in a situation some day and I do need to know, in an essay or something, and I can't look it up! Crap, now I forgot the translation in Dutch for acomplishement. Oh there it is! Acomplishment. Almost had it. I could have known that e wansn't supposed to be there. Dude why do I write uninteresting stuff like this ;p. Hahah my readers, which are like, 2 or something, are probably very bored by reading this. So I will spare you my nonsense for tonihgt!

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