vrijdag 19 februari 2010

my thoughts. from a while ago. just scrapped (don't think that's a word, ik bedoel geschrapt) out a lot. weird shit. but i feel like posting it

kak. maybe i should just write my thoughts. and than use what's good and lose what's crap. gosh i wish i fell in love with writing. that would be kinda cool. then i'd blog a lot i think. well i do love good lyrics. good lyrics are so awesome. i swear, they're like so enjoyable. bleh i wish it was summer. summer is awesome.
i love music. everybody loves music. that's something everybody can relate to. i like all music. from hiphop to hard rock. music is so awesome. it's so lovely how you can really feel some songs. do you know that feeling?
at times i am so full of self-symphaty (is that a word?).
you know at times i feel really good and stuff (usually when the sun is shining), but at sometimes, god, i feel so horrible.